إليك قائمة بأكثر من 30 موقع لتعلم أي شيء تريده على الانترنت
The Internet or the Web is rather a blessing for those who can use it to learn new things or do things that benefit them in their lives and their future. The Internet as a network has become an indispensable necessity, for this dear reader I suggest you a list of the best sites and services that will help you learn anything. Programming, design, working on large data, foreign languages, creativity and expanding your horizons in areas that are not specialized in ... etc.

# Online courses
EDX - Online courses from the best universities in the world.
Coursera - Free courses of the best teachers from universities from around the world.
Coursmos - A small set of courses that do not take much time.
Highbrow - Daily choices for the best courses that are sent to you in the mail.
Skillshare - Courses and projects expand your horizons on the Internet.
Curious - Video tutorials to improve your professional skill.
Linda - Courses in technology, business and creativity.
CreativeLive - Free creative templates from experts around the world.
Udemy - Courses in computer specialties.
rwaq - Arabic course for open education in Arabic in various fields and disciplines
# Programming
Codecime - interactive programming such as Python, JavaScript and Ruby as well as coding languages such as HTML and CSS.
Stuk.io - Learn programming from scratch.
Udacity - Courses from Google, Facebook, MongoDB, AT & T and other large companies.
Platzi - Courses in design, marketing and programming.
Code.org - Programming for Beginners.
BaseRails - Learn Ruby and other web technologies.
Dash - Creating Websites.
dataquest - Learn data science from your own browser.
DataMonkey - Improve the analytical skills of data by playing.
# Languages
Duolingo - Free training in foreign languages.
Lingvist - language training program for 200 hours
Busuu - A community of users who want to learn a new language.
Memrise - A way to remember vocabulary in any language to expand your vocabulary.
# Variety
TEDed - Thousands of lectures in all fields and most of them are translated into other languages of Arabic
Khan Academy - a huge library of interactive content.
Guides.co - Different guides in many areas.
Learnist - Articles and videos from experts in various fields around the world
Snapguide - Thousands of guides on how to do many things.
Chesscademy - Learn to play chess.
Pianu - interactive learning on the piano.
Yousician - Learn how to play guitar.
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